Archive for Inde

Siberian Squares

Posted in Music with tags , , , , , , , on February 26, 2009 by cephias
Russian Circles - Enter

Russian Circles - Enter

Siberian Squares? Nope it’s Russian Circles, the three person prog-rock band hailing from Chicago, USA.  They have been described as instrumental rock, progressive, post-rock, and experimental.  Their sound shows much more influence from hard rock or metal.  They have gained some notoriety, and have opened for such bands as Mono, Coheed & Cambria, Minus the Bear, and even Tool.

They have the usual mix in music I love so much, that juxtaposition of light, sweet melodies followed by the crashing breakers of guitars thrashing it out.  All of this supported, of course, with a strong percussive element.  So, if you have found my previous picks, like EitS and This Will Destroy You a little too light, and meditative for you or perhaps you just have a taste for something a little darker sounding, then this is a band you should definitely check out.

For a taste (radian?) of that fine Russian Circle, go here.

I remain…

Your Circled Servant,

-G. S. Sims